Aug 7, 2020
What’s R0
R Naught is the rate of infection spread. The number is the number of other people an infected person will ingect. R1 = 1 more person R2 = 2 more people https://sph.umich.edu/pursuit/2020posts/how-scientists-quantify-outbreaks.html CORVID-19 R0 is maybe from 1.5 - 4.08 .. but it depends on the population and the desease controll measures. Here has some sources for R
Info Sources
maps and tools and data pandemic
How to deal with Pneumonia
- fever
- tepid bath
- or towels
- fenegreek tea
- makes you sweet?
- anti-flam
- ibuprofin
- asprin
- tumerick
- tepid bath
- breathing (mucus)
- caffiene
- coffee
- green/black tea
- tea
- pepermint
- eucalyptus
- fenegreek powder
- nebulizer
- humidifyer
- deep in / cough out 10x
- caffiene
- chills
- warm drink
- inflamation
- tumeric
- ginger
- infection
- depends on type of infection
- maybe cant with a virus
How should I use a respirator?
- N95 useage training.
- straps
- checks
- nose seal
- CDC on reusing resperators
- it depends on the things you are guarding against. Is it likely to spread through contact? Are you going to get spalshed or sprayed in the face?
- Try to take it on and off as little as possible
- make sure it can maintain its fit and function
- are the straps getting stretched so it doesnt seal?
- If its not dusty, the use lenght is determed by how long you can keep it hygenic.
- Try to limit surface contamination of resperator
- dont touch it as much as possible
- cover it with a surgical mask or face guard
- dont touch the inside
- put it on with gloves and discard them
- Discard it if it becomes contaminated
- areisol / liquid spray
- Hand hygene before and after touching
- soap wash or sanitizer
- Check manufacturers advice on resue
- Dont share between people.
- lable the resperator
- use times
- user
- Clean surfaces with diluted Bleech.