CLI flashcards
Aug 7, 2020
Someone asked on reddit linuxquestions about a commandline tool for doing flashcard revision like quizlet. I had a look into it thinking Immediatly of ANKI and emacs org mode. There is a tool to edit anki cards in emacs. There is a Drill minor mode for org that lets you do flashcards and srs. #BEGIN_QUOTE Org-Drill is an extension for Org mode. Org-Drill uses a spaced repetition algorithm to conduct interactive “drill sessions”, using org files as sources of facts to be memorised. Each topic is treated as a “flash card”. The material to be remembered is presented to the student in random order. The student rates his or her recall of each item, and this information is used to schedule the item for later revision. #END_QUOTE There is also Pamparam “a new spaced repetition (SR) memory cards implementation for Emacs.” which is under development recently.